About Me
I believe in the idea of Narings Liv, which is the Swedish word for "work." It translates literally to "work that nourishes you for life." I believe we are at a frontier of discovery learning how to keep ourselves educated, sustained and healthy in ways the current system does not assure each person.
As an example of this, I have been passionate about learning how to measure return on investment for lasting social impact and finding ways to work with people, who have money to invest in building societal change. I believe people and communities are going to need learn more about this as we become more conscious that families coping with chronic illness cannot cope with the expense this means to insure quality of life for those who suffer with illness and the families that care and love these people.
I view initiatives like this as important:
My work has shaped out of my own personal experiences that shapes who I am and what I am passionate about:
- My early career in health care systems help me develop the ability to discern the difference between introducing technology in a community of people who draw on the power of technology to shape a relevant and useful practice versus the waste of energy and productivity that can emerge adopting technology for technology's sake.
- I have had the gift to work with some remarkable organizations and thought leaders, who innovated new practices in organization adopting use of organization and software technologies.
- I enjoy working with any group of people energized to build innovation and change in any sector. I believe when you cooperate and everyone that you work with matters, genius forms into action in ways no one could have predicted.
- In the project I serve or lead, I work with others to gain agreement on strategies with purpose and intention. – It is important to me that I work with people, who organize through the wisdom of translating ideas and thoughts into action and results; and these results grow into tangible or intangible assets that impact societal change.
- I am a self-generating life long learner. When I identify something that matters to me, I study all I can and do my best to bring myself into a network of people who want to learn about the topic and make a difference that impacts change. As an example of this, I have been passionate about learning how to measure return on investment for lasting social impact and finding my way to work with people, who have money to grant or invest in societal change.
- As a mother, daughter and sister to many---the context that matters to me is to shape today with an eye for assuring our children's future by taking care of ourselves in the present to invent a future we can sustain for future generations.